Why you need to register an HPGL MIME type on your WEB server:
If your WEB server provides files that are in multiple formats, you must configure
your server's Multiple Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) mapping to ensure your server
will map the file type correctly when returning the file to remote browsers. If the MIME mapping
on the server is not set up for a specific file type, browsers may not be able to retrieve
the file.
It seems that this step is not necessary if you use only Microsoft Internet Explorer (MSIE)
as your WEB browser. MSIE does not need the MIME type registration on a WEB server
from which it loads files. The MSIE can use only filename extensions to resolve
which plug-in module to use. Each plugin module contains information
about supported MIME types and about associated filename extensions to this
MIME types. So if there is no conflict in filename extension between various
plug-in modules, then the filename extension is a sufficient information for which
plug-in to load. Both MSIE and Netscape use this method when loading
a local file (e.g. C:\PLOTS\FILE.PLT). It is clear, because for local files
there is not other information, only filename extension. However, the WEB server
can provide another information to browser - MIME type (when this MIME
type is registered on this WEB server). So when loading data from a WEB
server, the Netscape requires to supply also the MIME type. It means that the desired
MIME type must be registered on your WEB server when you are using Netscape
(Navigator or Communicator) as your WEB browser.
How you can to register a MIME type on your WEB server:
At now I know MIME type registration process for these three WEB server software:
Note that in all instructions bellow I suppose registration of the
application/vnd.hp-HPGL MIME type. The registration for any other MIME type
is analogical.
MIME type registration instructions for the Alibaba WWW Server
If your WEB server is Alibaba WWW Server, do the following:
Run the Alibaba Administration tool and select the Mime types sheet. Here you will see
a list of all already registered MIME types. You can easy add any other by typing it to
the Mimetype / Subtype input box. Type the associated filename extension to the Extension input
box. If you want to add more filename extensions for one MIME type, repeat the process for each
extension with the same MIME type name.
Type in Mimetype/Subtype input box: application/vnd.hp-HPGL
Type in Extension input box: PLT
Press Add button.
Then you have registered application/vnd.hp-HPGL MIME type with the PLT extension.
If you want to add any other filename extension (e.g. HPG) for this MIME type:
Type in Mimetype/Subtype input box: application/vnd.hp-HPGL
Type in Extension input box: HPG
Press Add button.
Then you have registered application/vnd.hp-HPGL MIME type with the HPG extension.
And continue for all filename extensions which you want to associate to this MIME type.
After you are finished, don't forget to restart the Alibaba server.
MIME type registration instructions for the Microsoft Personal WEB Server
If your WEB server is Microsoft Personal WEB Server, do the following:
Go to the web server program directory, e.g. C:\FrontPage Webs\Server
It is a directory where the web server program lies (Vhttpd32.exe).
In this directory you will find another directory named Conf, i.e. C:\FrontPage Webs\Server\Conf
In this directory you will find a file named Mime.typ
Open this file with Notepad.exe. You will see here a list of all already registered
MIME types. You can add here any other MIME type along with all associated
filename extensions.
Add to the Mime.typ file a line with the following content: application/vnd.hp-HPGL plt hpg
Then you have registered application/vnd.hp-HPGL MIME type with the
PLT and HPG extensions.
Note that all associated filename extensions are typed together on a single line along with
a registered MIME type name.
After you are finished, don't forget to restart the Microsoft Personal WEB Server.
MIME type registration instructions for the Microsoft Internet Information Server
If your WEB server is Microsoft Internet Information Server, do the following:
Run the registry editor (regedit.exe or regedt32.exe) and go to the subkey
You will see here a list of all already registered MIME types.
Note that each registered MIME type is defined as a string value, where all
MIME type infromation is contained in the value name and the value itself is empty.
The syntax for the MIME type value name is:
<mime type>,<filename extension>,,<gopher type>
where mime type is a registered MIME type name and filename extension
is an associated filename extension to this MIME type. I don't know yet what the gopher type
mean, however I think that it is not important for WWW services (if you know anything about
this please let me know).
Each MIME type
value can contain only one filename extension. So if you want
to associate more filename extensions to the same MIME type, you should define more
MIME type value names with the same mime type and with different filename extension.
Add the application/vnd.hp-HPGL,plt,,5
value name to the
subkey. Then you have registered application/vnd.hp-HPGL MIME type with the PLT extension.
If you want to add any other filename extension (e.g. HPG) for this MIME type:
Add the application/vnd.hp-HPGL,hpg,,5
value name to the
subkey. Then you have registered application/vnd.hp-HPGL MIME type with the HPG extension.
And continue for all filename extensions which you want to associate to this MIME type.
After you are finished, don't forget to restart the Microsoft Internet Information Server.
Generally, see the Server MIME Mapping in Chapter 10 - Configuring Registry Entries in
Internet Information Server HTML documentation.
I uderstand that using of registry editor for MIME type registration can be somewhat
difficult for some less experienced users. It seems that Microsoft suposses that all
IIS administrators are experienced users. If not, you can
download here a registry file with predefined
application/vnd.hp-HPGL MIME type for PLT and HPG filename extensions.
You can easily edit this file as you wish and then force the registration by one of the
following method:
use the Import Registry File function in registry editor, or
double click on the iis_hpgl.reg in Explorer, or
click on the iis_hpgl.reg in Explorer with right mouse button and select Merge