How to register SPLOT software
This document describes how to order the software directly from the author.
Please note that you will always find the latest information (incl. other ordering options) on the SPLOT web site.
To register, study Licensing, registration and evaluation information.
To calculate the correct registration price use the Calculate SPLOT registration fee dialog (also available on-line here).
Author can accept payment in these ways:
To make mail or fax order, fill out carefully the credit card information in the Registration / Order Form. The card order must be signed by the card holder and please state also so called CVC/CVV code, i.e. last three digits of the number contained in the signature strip on reverse side of your card.
All customers will receive a regular invoice in accordance with EU directives (including those paying on-line). Important notice for EU customers:
For postal or fax orders please please use the Registration / Order Form supplied with this package (also provided in the file ORDER.TXT).
If you cannot pay in advance then I need to receive your legal corporate order with a valid PO number and signed by an authorized person(s). The order must contain your company name and address (as order party) with full name and e-mail address of the responsible person(s), your VAT number (if applicable - see above), my name and address (as supplier), date and number of the order, exact license description and agreed price. The order must contain your explicit statement that you agree to pay this price to the supplier within a reasonable period. Simply speaking such order must be in form of a legal agreement. For information purposes you can also enclose the SPLOT order form (also provided in the ORDER.TXT file). Then you will receive the ordered software along with invoice.
If you will place an postal order please send a completed order form to:
Alexandr Novy Chynovska 487 391 56 Tabor Czech Republic
or you can also fax your order to +420-381-254870
Please do not e-mail me your credit card data. I cannot accept orders with credit card numbers via e-mail because I have agreement for mail orders only and I need a credit card owner's signature on the order. So you should mail or fax these orders. For on-line payment with your card please use either on-line order form or you can use also the Reg.Net service.
If you experience any problems, please let me know: Alexandr Novy