About Paper Sets


A paper set is a group of maximum 30 paper sizes from which you can select default paper size (plotter hard-clip limits) in the Paper Size dialog. The number 30 has origin in combination of 3 possible norms (ANSI,ISO,Architectural), 5 possible formats (A,B,C,D,E for ANSI or ARCH norm; A4,A3,A2,A1,A0 for ISO norm) and 2 possible modifiers (named NORMAL and EXPAND). You must define at least one valid paper size to create a valid paper set.


The SPLOT program searches for user defined paper sets in the PAPERS.INI file which conforms to Windows initialization file format. Each found section defines a new paper set (if it is valid) except the [PAPERS] section which defines paper set assignments to individual Plotter Types. The SPLOT program first searches for the PAPERS.INI file in the startup directory, then in the program directory.


Because of the present version of the SPLOT program has not a paper set edit dialog built in, you should edit directly the PAPERS.INI file to create, redefine or delete any paper set. The paper set assignment to the current Plotter Type can be done in the Paper Size dialog.


The general syntax for defining a paper set is:



keyword1 = ...

keyword2 = ...





The valid paper size is defined by its X and Y dimensions expressed in plotter units and is identical to plotter hard-clip limits (see your HP-GL or HP-GL/2 reference for description of plotter hard-clip limits). The one plotter unit is equal to 0.025 mm. The larger dimension of the paper size always represents the X axis in non-rotated state (see your HP-GL or HP-GL/2 reference for description of RO instruction). These plotter types do not accept a plotter size dimension greater than 32767 plotter units: HP7470A, HP7475A, HP7440A, HP DraftPro 7570A and Roland DXY. You can define only the dimensions of the paper size. The origin of plotter coordinates is determined by plotter type.

These plotter types have origin always in lower-left corner of the hard-clip limits: HP-GL/2 plotter, HP7470A, HP7475A, HP7440A and HP7550A.

These plotter types have normally origin in center of the hard-clip limits, although the SPLOT program enables you set origin also in lower-left corner: HP DraftPro, HP DraftMaster, Roland GRX 300/400.


Syntax for paper size definition:

PKEYWORD = Xdimension x Ydimension


PKEYWORD = Xdimension,Ydimension

where PKEYWORD identifies the defined paper size (see the list bellow).



ANSI_A=10170 x 7840

ISO_A4=2*4820 x 2*3560


Note that you can use simple multiplication in dimension definition. It facilitates you to enter dimensions if your plotter has origin of plotter coordinates in center of hard-clip limits and you know hard-clip limits coordinates (e.g. -4820,-3560, 4820,3560).


List of all paper size keywords:

ANSI_A  - defines dimensions of ANSI A NORMAL paper size

ANSI_AE - defines dimensions of ANSI A EXPANDED paper size

ANSI_B  - defines dimensions of ANSI B NORMAL paper size

ANSI_BE - defines dimensions of ANSI B EXPANDED paper size

ANSI_C  - defines dimensions of ANSI C NORMAL paper size

ANSI_CE - defines dimensions of ANSI C EXPANDED paper size

ANSI_D  - defines dimensions of ANSI D NORMAL paper size

ANSI_DE - defines dimensions of ANSI D EXPANDED paper size

ANSI_E  - defines dimensions of ANSI E NORMAL paper size

ANSI_EE - defines dimensions of ANSI E EXPANDED paper size

ISO_A4  - defines dimensions of ISO A4 NORMAL paper size

ISO_A4E - defines dimensions of ISO A4 EXPANDED paper size

ISO_A3  - defines dimensions of ISO A3 NORMAL paper size

ISO_A3E - defines dimensions of ISO A3 EXPANDED paper size

ISO_A2  - defines dimensions of ISO A2 NORMAL paper size

ISO_A2E - defines dimensions of ISO A2 EXPANDED paper size

ISO_A1  - defines dimensions of ISO A1 NORMAL paper size

ISO_A1E - defines dimensions of ISO A1 EXPANDED paper size

ISO_A0  - defines dimensions of ISO A0 NORMAL paper size

ISO_A0E - defines dimensions of ISO A0 EXPANDED paper size

ARCH_A  - defines dimensions of ARCH A NORMAL paper size

ARCH_AE - defines dimensions of ARCH A EXPANED paper size

ARCH_B  - defines dimensions of ARCH B NORMAL paper size

ARCH_BE - defines dimensions of ARCH B EXPANED paper size

ARCH_C  - defines dimensions of ARCH C NORMAL paper size

ARCH_CE - defines dimensions of ARCH C EXPANED paper size

ARCH_D  - defines dimensions of ARCH D NORMAL paper size

ARCH_DE - defines dimensions of ARCH D EXPANED paper size

ARCH_E  - defines dimensions of ARCH E NORMAL paper size

ARCH_EE - defines dimensions of ARCH E EXPANED paper size


Along with a paper size you can define default scaling points for this paper size. The scaling points are used  in the SC (scale) instruction and can be redefined by the IP instruction (see your HP-GL or HP-GL/2 reference for details). You can define default scaling points as relative or absolute. If you do not define any default scaling  points for a paper size, the default scaling points are always identical to hard-clip limit corners.


The relative scaling points are determined relatively to lower-left and upper-right corners of paper size and are expressed in plotter units. When you define relative scaling points, they are defined for entire paper set and all absolute scaling points definitions in this paper set are ignored. These plotter types use only relative scaling points: HP DraftPro, HP DraftMaster, Roland GRX 300/400 and HP-GL/2 plotter. For the HP-GL/2 plotter the default scaling points are always identical to hard-clip limit corners (they are zero relative), so it ignores all default scaling points definitions.


Syntax for relative scaling points definition:


where default scaling points are computed as follows:







IP_REL = 600,600,600,600  ; default for HP DraftMaster, DraftPro and Roland GRX



The absolute scaling  points are determined in absolute plotter coordinates and can be defined separately for non-rotated and rotated states (see your HP-GL or HP-GL/2 reference for description of RO instruction). If the rotated scaling points are not separately defined, they are created by rotation of non-rotated scaling points. Note that if you define relative scaling points, they are defined for entire paper set and all absolute scaling points definitions in this paper set are ignored. Also note that these plotter types use only relative scaling points and ignore all absolute scaling points definitions: HP DraftPro, HP DraftMaster, Roland GRX 300/400 and HP-GL/2 plotter.


Syntax for absolute scaling points definition:


for non-rotated absolute scaling points


for rotated absolute scaling points

where PKEYWORD identifies the corresponding paper size (see the list above) and P1X(R)_ABS < P2X(R)_ABS and P1Y(R)_ABS < P2Y(R)_ABS.




; non-rotated absolute scaling points for ISO A4 NORMAL paper size


; rotated absolute scaling points for ISO A4 NORMAL paper size



For more examples study the PAPERS.INI file included in the SPLOT package.