Standalone Batch mode

PRO only


This page describes how to run SPLOT in standalone batch mode via command line.


The Standalone Batch mode is a SPLOT mode where the batch operation (the batch setup dialog and the following batch process) runs standalone, i.e. as standalone application without SPLOT main window.


To run SPLOT in standalone batch mode use the /BAT command line parameter. It has the following command line syntax:


SPLOTW32.EXE "/BAT:batch_filename"


The batch_filename is optional. It should be full path of the batch configuration file which contains batch options.


The batch configuration file is a standard text file, which consists from two type of lines - option lines and file lines. Each option line must begin with * (asterisk character). A line which does not begin with * is treated as a file or directory path, which is loaded to the input list (if the input type is 1, see next).


The options are divided into sections.


Each section begins with section name enclosed in square brackets.


* [Output]


Each option has format 'option = value'.


* Run = true


All section names, option names and values are case insensitive.


The list of available options follows.



Section General:


* Run = true | false

If true, then batch task runs immediately. Otherwise the batch options dialog is displayed and you can change any option via the user interface before running the batch process.


* Exit = true | false

If true, then program exits after batch task is finished.


* SaveOptions  = true | false

Defines if SPLOT options will be saved after standalone batch process. If this parameter is not used, then the SPLOT options in the standalone batch mode are saved only if the saving of the options is allowed in the Batch Options dialog. The main intent is not to save SPLOT options in the standalone batch mode, so the options used in the standalone batch mode will not change options used in normal SPLOT mode. And this behavior can be changed by this SaveOptions parameter or by changing the corresponding option in the Batch Options dialog.


* Analyze = true | false

Defines if the files will be analyzed before processing (it is recommended to use true value). Switching off the analyzing can slightly increase performance, but for some plot files this can give incorrect results.


* PSStrategy = -4 to 4

Defines a paper size selection strategy (see the Paper Size Options dialog):

0 - Use standard paper size (ignore extnets)

1 - Establish 'real' paper size from extents exactly

2 - Establish 'real' paper size from extents with a relative addition

3 - Establish 'virtual' paper size from extents exactly

4 - Establish 'virtual' paper size from extents with a relative addition

positive value - apply the strategy only when a complete PS command or instruction is missing

negative value - apply the strategy always


* PSExtAdd = percentage

Defines a relative addition (in percent of paper size dimension) for the nonstandard paper sizes with relative addition (PSStrategy = +-2 or +-4).


* PSExtAddEq = 0|1|2|3

Defines how the relative addition will be computed:

0 - X and Y addition computed separately

otherwise X and Y addition equals:

1 - average

2 - major

3 - minor


* PSExtPW = true|false

Defines if include pen widths when computing extents (see Paper Size Options dialog).



Section Operation:


* Type = Print | Export | Send | Email | Archive | Extract | Encrypt | Test

Sets operation type. Can be set also as *Operation in General section.

The operations Extract, Encrypt and Test operates only on archives (ZIP and SPLOT archives).


* Printer = printer_name

Selects printer for Print or Send operations. Can be used also in General section.


* Port = port_name

Selects port for Send operations. The port name must be complete, including colon if required (e.g. COM1:).  Can be used also in General section.


* Target = Printer | Port

Selects if Send operation goes to printer or port.


* Format = HP-GL | HP-GL/2 | DXY-GL | DXF | DXB | EMF | WMF | PDF | TIF | TIFF | PNG | JPG | JPEG | BMP | WMP

Sets format if operation type is Export.


* Format = PDF | ZIP | SPLOT | TIF | TIFF

Sets format if operation type is Email.


* Format = ZIP | SPLOT

Sets format if operation type is Archive.


* Engine = Amyuni | wPDF | XChange

Sets PDF engine if export format is PDF



Section Input:


* Type = 0 | 1

0 means input along mask, 1 means input from list.

Note: For operations on archive files (Extract, Encrypt and Test) the input type is always 1 (list).


* Watch = true | false | force

If true or force, then Watch mode takes effect (and the Type parameter is ignored).  The operations allowed for the Watch mode are Print, Export and Send. If the selected operation is not compatible, then Watch mode is not allowed. However you can use the force value to force the Watch mode even if the selected Operation is not compatible (in such case the Operation is forced to Print).


* Include = mask

Sets input mask, include part (for example. *.plt). Please note that this mask has meaning for all input types incl. Watch mode. For input type 1 (list) is the mask used if the list contains folders.


* Exclude = mask

Sets input mask, exclude part (for example *.pdf if include is *.p*).  Please note that this mask has meaning for all input types incl. Watch mode. For input type 1 (list) is the mask used if the list contains folders.


* Directory = dir

Sets input (root) directory for input type 0 (along mask) or for the Watch mode.


* SubDirs = true | false

If true, then processing includes also subdirectories of any input directory. This option has meaning for both input types. It has no meaning for the Watch mode.


* LoadAll = true | false

If true, then all files listed in the batch file are loaded. If false, only plot files are loaded (i.e. files defined by the input mask). This option has meaning only for input type 1 (list), where the files can be loaded from the batch file.

For operations on archive files (Extract, Encrypt and Test) only archive files are loaded (ZIP and SPLOT archives), so this parameter is ignored.


* LoadCopies = true | false

Defines if the 'copies' values (for the Print operation) will be loaded for the individual list items. The 'copies' value can follow each file path in the batch file and it is separated by the | character.


D:\PLT\t.plt | 2


* Copies = number

Defines default number of copies for the Print operation.



Section Output:


* PrintToFile = true | false

For Print operation defines, if printing goes to a disk file. If printing to file is turned off, then the output is defined by the printer driver settings.


* Single = true | false

Defines if the output will be a single file. If not, then each input file has its output file defined along output mask (see next). Please note that for some formats the single file output is not possible.


* Overwrite = true | false

If true, then all output files are automatically overwritten, if they exists. If false, no file is overwritten (there is no overwrite prompt in batch mode), so the output will fail if the output file already exists.


* Mask = mask

Defines the output mask, if the output is not 'single' (see above). Normally SPLOT creates this mask along used operation type, format etc. So use this option only if you need to change this default mask.




* Directory = directory_path

Defines the output directory if output is not 'single' (see above). Normally each output file is placed in the same folder as the input file. You can here define a directory, to which all output files will be placed instead.


* File = file_path

Defines the output file if output is defined as 'single' (see above).


* ExtUse = replace / append

Defines how the output extensions are placed (normall is replace).

Replace example: t.plt -> t.pdf

Append example:  t.plt -> t.plt.pdf


* Rotate = 0 | 90 | 180 | 270

Defines the page rotation applied to all processed plot files (has meaning for the Print and Export operations).


* Proportional = true | false

Defines aspect ratio for corresponding Print or Export operations and formats. Can be also in General section.



Section PDF (options for PDF export):


* DPI = 72 | 96 | 100 | 150 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 800 | 1000 | 1200 | 2400

Defines quality of the output as DPI (dots per inch) resolution..


* ImgMode = true | false

Turns on/off the PDF image mode.



Section RASTER (options for TIF | TIFF | PNG | JPG | JPEG | BMP | WMP export):


* DPI = 72 | 96 | 100 | 150 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 800 | 1000 | 1200 | 2400

Defines quality of the output as DPI (dots per inch) resolution. The raster image dimension is computed along this resolution (the aspect ratio is proportional).


* X = vertical dimension [pixels]

* Y = horizontal dimension [pixels]

Sets the custom raster image dimension. Set only X or only Y if you want to keep proportional aspect ratio (the second dimension is then computed).


* TIFFComp = 0 | 1 | false | true | LZW | LZWH | RLE | ZIP

Defines compression for TIFF format:

0, false : none

1, true : default (usually LZWH)

LZW : Lempel–Ziv–Welch compression algorithm

LZWH : Lempel–Ziv–Welch differencing compression algorithm

RLE : Run Length compression algorithm

ZIP : ZIP compression


* JPEGLevel = level

Defines quality level (0 - 100 %) for JPEG format.


* WMPLossy = true | false

Defines encoding type (lossy or lossless) for WMP format.


* WMPLevel = level

Defines quality level (0 - 100 %) for WMP format if encoding is lossy.



Section Watch (options for Watch mode):


* Delete = true | false

Defines if the processed file will be deleted after processing.


* Start = true | false

If true, then all plot files present if the watched directory will be processed immediately. If false, then no file is processed at start and only new or modified files are processed.


* ListLen = length

Defines maximum length of the process list during the watch mode. If the number of items in list exceeds this limit, the list is truncated (oldest items are removed).


* TimeOut = time

Defines time-out value for the watch process in milliseconds. The default value is 500 ms.




All options are of course optional. Each option has some default value and each option is loaded from a separately saved configuration, before the batch file is loaded.


All options can be changed also in the corresponding batch dialogs. The main intent of using batch configuration files is possibility to create predefined batch configurations for further easy, quick, repetitive or automated use.


Logical options { true | false } can be set also as { yes | no }, { on | off } or { 1 | 0 }.



Example content of the batch configuration file:



*Type = Export

*Format = PDF

*Run = true

*Exit = true


*Type = 1


*Single = true

*File = c:\temp\t.pdf


D:\PLT\t2.plt | 2